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Psychological evaluation is defined as a way of assessing an individual's behavior, personality, cognitive abilities, and several other domains. The purpose behind many modern psychological evaluations is to try to pinpoint what is happening in someone's psychological life that may be inhibiting their ability to behave or feel in more appropriate or constructive ways. It is the mental equivalent of physical examination.
In many ways, psychological testing and assessment are similar to medical tests. If a patient has physical symptoms, a primary care provider may order X-rays or blood tests to understand what's causing those symptoms. The results of the tests will help inform develop a treatment plan.
Psychological evaluations serve the same purpose. Psychologists use tests and other assessment tools to measure and observe a client's behavior to arrive at a diagnosis and guide treatment.
Forensic evaluations include Social Security examinations, competency and sanity evaluations in criminal cases, independent psychological evaluations, court-ordered psychological testing and child custody evaluations.
A Parenting Evaluation (PE), also called a Custody Evaluation, is a formal investigation that attempts to assess the level of each parent's respective parenting skills, and to determine which parent may be best suited to care for a child or children.
When is someone not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect? Forensic evaluation of a legal insanity defense involves a careful analysis of the actions and ideas leading up to the crime, coordinating with witness statements, police investigation, and crime lab and medical examiner's reports. Inquiry by the forensic psychiatrist must apply to the laws and standards and burdens of proof of each state.
The capacity to make one’s own decisions is fundamental to the ethical principle of respect for autonomy and is a key component of informed consent to medical treatment. Determining whether an individual has adequate capacity to make decisions is therefore an inherent aspect of all clinician-patient interactions.
The main determinant of capacity is cognition, and any condition or treatment that affects cognition may potentially impair decision-making capacity. In the presence of cognitive impairment from any cause, determining whether a patient has adequate capacity is critical to striking the proper balance between respecting patient autonomy and acting in a patient’s best interest. A skillful capacity assessment can also help determine the severity of a patient’s cognitive impairments and improve the effectiveness of conversations with patients and their families.
A cognitive assessment is an examination conducted to determine someone's level of cognitive function. There are a number of reasons to perform such an exam, and this test can be administered by a mental health professional, neurologist, or education professional, depending on how it is to be used. Several standardized assessments have been published, and people can also develop their own, mixing and matching elements of various tests that can be used to measure cognitive function.
A procedure for investigating a person's death by reconstructing what the person thought, felt, and did before death, based on information gathered from personal documents, police reports, medical and coroner's records, and face-to-face interviews with families, friends, and others who had contact with the person before the death.
A Functional Abilities Evaluation is a specific assessment performed by a Registered Physiotherapist, Occupational therapist, or Kinesiologist to help identify a client’s or employee’s physical work tolerances. Following thorough assessments and measurements, the assessor determines physical impairments and abilities that exist.
The goal of forensic consultation is to make those complex cases more manageable by providing attorneys with basic, understandable information about the field of psychology as it relates to a specific legal case or legal issue. Whether in the criminal, family, or civil arena, I am available to critically analyze the case at almost any stage in the litigation. By utilizing the latest developments in forensic psychological science, I can offer an objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the case and assist in developing a successful legal strategy to reach the ultimate legal goal.
Threat assessment is a violence prevention strategy that involves: (a) identifying threats to commit a violent act, (b) determining the seriousness of the threat, and (c) developing intervention plans that protect potential victims and address the underlying problem or conflict that stimulated the threatening behavior.
A cognitive assessment is an examination conducted to determine someone's level of cognitive function. There are a number of reasons to perform such an exam, and this test can be administered by a mental health professional, neurologist, or education professional, depending on how it is to be used. Several standardized assessments have been published, and people can also develop their own, mixing and matching elements of various tests that can be used to measure cognitive function.
A Fitness for Duty Examination is performed to obtain unbiased psychiatric information concerning the ability of an employee to safely and effectively perform the essential functions of their job. The purpose of a Fitness for Duty Examination is to protect the individual, their coworkers, and the community at large. They are requested at the employer's discretion and is permitted because of the employer's responsibility to maintain a safe workplace. The evaluation is used to assess a person's ability to safely and effectively work in the presence of problems such as depression and anxiety, as well as conflicts with co-workers.